<p>Among the primary reasons TOP Claims are denied include:</p>
<p>{nomargin;fontweight=500:Missing Beneficiary Signature On File}</p>
<p>The beneficiary signature is required for Non-Institutional Providers unless the provider has a beneficiary signature on file (SOF). You must indicate “SOF” in the Patient Signature section of the Claim Form, otherwise the TOP Claim will be denied.</p>
<p>Institutional Providers are not required to have the patient sign the form, however are required to have a permanent hospital record containing a signed release of medical information on behalf of the beneficiary; this means that a patient signature will not be required on the Claim Form.</p>
<p>Click {downloaddocs=/providers/tco-media/documents/beneficiary-sof-final-may-2018:here} to download the Beneficiary Signature on File form.</p>
<p>{nomargin;fontweight=500:Missing Provider Signature on File}</p>
<p>The provider signature is ALWAYS required on the CDW, unless the provider has signed and sent a provider signature on file form to International SOS. You must indicate “SOF” in Section 9 of the CDW; this cannot be left blank. TOP Claims will be denied if the provider signature or SOF is not on file. Taking these measures will help ensure that your TOP Claims are processed in an accurate and timely manner. By signing and returning the proper forms, you and your administrative staff will no longer be required to sign each TOP Claim Form individually before submitting them for payment.</p>
<p>Click {downloaddocs=/providers/tco-media/documents/provider-sof-final-march-2020:here} to download the Provider Signature on File form.</p>